October Newsletter

Dear Parents and Students,

            The first month is already done and things are almost settled with all the classes. Everyone has found the class that’s right for them and the times that meet their schedules. We hope you are pleased with your classes, our schedules, and MAFA.

            Tuition payments are due the first lesson of every month. Please put your payments in the brass mailbox in the lobby. Envelopes and pens are available if you need them next to the mailbox. If the name on the check does not match the child’s name taking the class, please be sure to put the student’s name on the check. Sometimes it’s almost impossible to figure out who the check is in payment for.

            All newsletters going forward will be sent via email. If you are not receiving them, we have something in error on our email address. Please send us a text, email, or call so you are receiving all the emails with our dates, announcements, and important notices.

            Costume deposits are due the 15th of November. A $50 deposit per class is required. Please separate the tuition payment from the costume deposit and make the check out to “Helen Watts” for the deposit. Please do NOT pay for the deposit by PayPal. The service charge from PayPal will not cover ALL of the deposit. If you have any questions, please contact us. The balance will be February 15th. The balance is generally $25 on each costume.

            Associate Dance Teachers of NJ is having a workshop November 5th for all interested students ages 7 and up. The fee is $60 for 4 classes (Ballet, Tap, Jazz, and Modern). Every student should be mature enough to be professional in all classes. If you are interested, please let your teachers know and we will let you know if there is still space available. It is at Montclair State University this year, and you must provide your transportation. The time is 9:00am-2:30pm. Associated Dance Teachers has a scholarship program for all Juniors ages 8 through 8th grade. Their criteria is an essay written by the student. The scholarship prize is a free workshop on January 28th in Montclair. If your student is interested, please let your teachers know so she can give you an application. The due date for the application is December 1st. Essay question will be available soon.

Most Improved Student is Violet Lewis. She added several more classes this year and her LOVE of dance comes across in every class. Violet’s teachers are so pleased to see her “stepping up” in all her classes to find her technique, apply corrections and enjoy her talent. Keep up the GREAT work Violet!

Class of the Month Is Friday 4:00 Jazz. Miss Ellen is proud of all your hard work and eagerness to learn. Each week you come to class with a smile on your faces and are excited to dance. Keep up the hard work everyone!!

Student of the Month is Alexandra Perez.  Miss Kathy is always so impressed with Alexandra’s positive attitude and desire to learn more and more each week! What a pleasure she is to have in class!

We are very happy to have you enrolled in our program at MAFA. We are dedicated to great quality dance education with an emphasis on fun! If you need our assistance with anything or have any questions, please do not hesitate to call or email us. We will return your call or email in an appropriate time.

            Enjoy the fall, the leaves, and all that a new year has to offer.


                                                                                                                        The MAFA Staff


November Newsletter


September Newsletter: Welcome Back!